The Pignarûl, the rite of Friulian fire.

The Pignarûl (also called Panevin or Foghere) is one of the oldest Friulian rites.
The tradition seems to lead back to the worship of a pagan Celtic God, Belanu "the one who is bright". According to the belief, it was thought that this entity had an influence on sunlight and therefore on the course of agriculture, seasonality and temperature.
The tradition, still today, continues and remains unchanged. On the occasion of holidays linked to equinoxes and solstices, bonfires are lit on the top of the hills, the so-called "Friulian fires" symbols of rebirth to new life.
The rite of Pignarûl is very felt throughout Friuli. At sunset, on 5 or 6 January, a pile of wood, stubble and hay is prepared by the young people of the villages and burned.
The lighting of the fire is a convivial moment in which the whole community gathers singing and dancing, accompanied by the traditional vin brulè.
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Our winery was founded in the 1960s, on the border between Veneto and Friuli, two regions historically suited to winegrowing since Roman times. While remaining faithful to the traditions and characteristics of our area, we have been able to evolve over the years, integrating technological innovation with the various skills acquired in the shadow of our vineyards. We are one of the most important enterprises in northeastern Italy, and we have never been afraid of shedding our skin to achieve this.